Sunday, July 1, 2012

Steering Rack Installation

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Major System Category: Steering
Task: Install steering rack to chassis
Parts: Steering Rack Assembly
Prerequisite Tasks: Kit Disassembly
Additional Costs: N/A
Time Requirement: 90 minutes
Date Started: July 1, 2012
Date Completed: July 1, 2012

Many have told me that build manual is like the code in Pirates of the Caribbean -  more suggestion than rule. The manual references two part numbers, but I could only find one in the detailed inventory. I figured everything I needed for the steering rack would be in the same box. So I hopped in the Boxster, rambled down to the storage locker and retrieved the box.
Steering rack assembly sealed in plastic.
The assembly is a single piece that requires you to install some bushings and sleeves, then bolt it to the chassis. The steering column orientation is self explanatory.
Bushings and sleeves.
Bushings and sleeves installed on the assembly.
Orientation is looking at the chassis from the front. The blue tape indicates where the assembly is attached.
Assembly attached to the chassis. Torque to spec (see Appendix A of the manual).
Issues: This is a very straight forward task. A couple bushings, a couple of bolts and tighten everything to torque specification. It pretty much went that way on one side. These are the issues I ran into.

  1. The powder coating was bit thicker on one side. I took the die grinder and opened up the hole. 
  2. The sleeve was too tight for the bolt. I mounted a 1/2 inch drill bit and opened up the interior of the sleeve.

1 comment:

  1. If you need a storage rack to put all these pieces, see this Fastek and give me your opinion !!



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